My name is Vipul Ramtekkar, and I currently working as a Computer Vision Engineer at Honda R&D Japan. I recieved my undergraduate degree from IIT Bombay. I am a technology enthusiast who is excited to read, work & explore more in the field of Science and Technology. I have done multiple projects related to autonomous systems and robotics, and I have led the computer vision division of Sedrica, a dedicated student team working towards building a self-driving car for the Indian roads.

In my summer 2019, I worked in collaboration with the US Army Research Lab on video object tracking on Autonomous Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in Civa Lab, University of Missouri-Columbia. My worked involved improving single object tracker by making it more robust to failure and thus, led to developing a state-of-art tracker built by fusing motion flux, deep Siamese network and yolo detector. The new tracker outperformed all the current trackers in a benchmarking test based on accuracy and number of restarts required.

I have also represented by college in the InterIIT Tech Meet for the year 2017 & 2018 and this year we built an autonomous strawberry harvester and achieved 3rd position in it, based on pitching the business model, demonstration of the prototype and the presenting the technical paper.

In my summer 2018, I was selected as a UTSIP Scholar amongst 30 students from all around the world. I was a part of Morishita lab, where I did my research on the classification of transposons by training multiple classifiers and analysed them to improve the accuracy and training time. I also worked on data visualisations, and created various visuals to understand the semantics of the data better.

I was a part of team AUV IITB in which we built an autonomous underwater vehicle, Matsya 5 to participate at AUVSI Robosub. You can watch me explain about the structure and working of the AUV.

I am an avid reader and like both fiction and non-fiction. I would highly recommend reading Kane and Abel by Jeffrey Archer, The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini and The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I also enjoy watching movies, especially thrillers and my personal favourite is Shutter Island. I love solving puzzles and I am always up for discussions and debates on topics ranging from politics to science.